While you can play many different games on Mac computers, it is no secret that those machines aren’t optimized for gaming and have many limitations in this regard.

While Mac machines undoubtedly have many strengths and ways they can effectively be used, gaming is widely considered to not be among them. Some of the users who stand to benefit the most from cloud-based gaming platforms are those that have Mac computers. While downloading games on one’s computer is still the main method used for gaming, the popularity of game streaming services such as Google Stadia and GeForce Now has been on the rise for some time now, and it’s not difficult to see why considering the many advantages brought by this type of service. With the advancement of technology and hardware and with the increasing implementation of cloud services, it’s only natural for gaming to be affected as well. Google Stadia can be used on any Mac that meets the minimum system requirements for the service. To use Google Stadia on Mac, all you need is a Google account, the Google Chrome browser, and a good Internet connection.